Just Thrive By RD Bert

Break Free from Dieting Forever!

Ditch the fads and discover a sustainable, healthy way to live—guided by an expert who’s been there

7+ Years

Of experience


People I have worked with individualy


Kilograms lost

Imagine a life where you no longer feel trapped by diets that don’t work.

Imagine having the freedom to enjoy food, the confidence to make healthy choices, and the support of a community that understands your journey.

I’ve been where you are—118kg, frustrated, and exhausted from trying every diet under the sun.

But I found a way out. I lost the weight, kept it off, and now I’m here to help you do the same."

What Makes This Program Different?

Most diets fail because they focus on quick fixes, restrictions, and unrealistic goals. But real change happens when you build healthy habits, one step at a time, with the guidance of someone who truly understands your struggle.

Personalized Guidance

Get a tailor-made nutritional blueprint that fits your unique needs and lifestyle.

Daily Accountability

Check in with me every day to ask questions, get feedback, and stay on track. Via a private Whatsapp Group

Weekly Group Support:

Join a live Zoom call every week, focused on the theme of the week. You’ll have the chance to dive deeper into the topic, hear from others, and ask your questions in a supportive environment.

What to Expect Each Week: A Step-by-Step Guide to Lasting Change

This 8-week program isn’t about quick fixes or restrictive diets.
It's about changing your relationship with food, building healthy habits, and learning to listen to your body.
Here’s a breakdown of each week, so you know exactly what to expect and why it’s essential.

Week 1: Making Time for Yourself

  • What: Learn how to carve out time for your health, even with a busy schedule. We focus on making your health a priority, setting aside just 10-15 minutes a day to plan, reflect, and prepare.
  • Why: Real change requires commitment. By creating time for yourself, you establish the foundation for all future habits. It’s not just about “finding” time but “making” it because you are worth it.

Week 2: Eat Slowly and Stop at 80% Full

  • What: Practice mindful eating by slowing down and recognizing your body’s hunger and fullness signals. Learn to eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed.
  • Why: Eating slowly and stopping at 80% full helps you become more attuned to your body's needs, reducing overeating and promoting better digestion. This is a key habit to break the cycle of emotional or mindless eating.

Week 3: Incorporate Lean Protein with Every Meal

  • What: Understand the importance of protein in your diet and learn how to add lean protein to each meal, using a variety of sources.
  • Why: Protein is crucial for satiety, muscle maintenance, and metabolism. Including it in every meal helps regulate appetite and supports sustainable weight loss.

Week 4: Choose Smart Carbs

  • What: Focus on selecting whole, unprocessed carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and understand their role in your diet.
  • Why: Not all carbs are created equal. Choosing smarter carbs stabilizes your blood sugar levels, keeps you fuller longer, and provides steady energy throughout the day.

Week 5: Fuel with Fruits and Vegetables

  • What: Learn how to fill your plate with a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables and why these should be the mainstay of your diet.
  • Why: Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants. They help protect against diseases, boost your immune system, and support overall health.

Week 6: Embrace Healthy Fats

  • What: Discover the truth about fats—why they are necessary, and how to choose the right types, like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.
  • Why: Healthy fats are vital for brain function, hormone production, and overall cellular health. Learning to incorporate them correctly can enhance satiety and improve heart health.

Week 7: Plan Ahead for Success

  • What: Develop skills for effective meal planning, grocery shopping, and preparing healthy meals in advance to avoid last-minute unhealthy choices.
  • Why: Preparation is key to maintaining healthy habits. Planning ahead reduces stress, saves time, and makes it easier to stick to your nutritional goals, even on busy days.

Week 8: Choose Mostly Whole Foods

  • What: Focus on eating minimally processed foods and making whole, natural foods the foundation of your diet.
  • Why: Whole foods are nutrient-dense and free of added sugars, unhealthy fats, and preservatives. By choosing mostly whole foods, you nourish your body with what it truly needs and lay the groundwork for long-term health and vitality.

Join from Anywhere – Get Support Everywhere
A Flexible, Interactive Coaching Experience Tailored for You

The "8 Weeks to Diet Freedom" program is designed to fit seamlessly into your daily life, no matter where you are. All you need is a smartphone, an internet connection, and a commitment to making a change. Here’s how we’ll support you every step of the way:

Daily PDF Guides

  • What: Each morning, you’ll receive a new PDF in the WhatsApp group, diving deep into the theme of the day. These guides will provide valuable insights, actionable tips, and reflection questions to help you build new habits and deepen your understanding.
  • Why: Knowledge is power, but only when it’s applied. These daily PDFs will keep you focused, engaged, and moving forward. By reading and reflecting each day, you'll reinforce the habit changes and make them a natural part of your routine.

Private WhatsApp Group

  • What: You’ll be part of a private, exclusive WhatsApp group where all the action happens. This is where you’ll receive daily motivation, habit reminders, and support from me and your fellow group members.
  • Why: Community is powerful. When you know others are on the same journey, it makes it easier to stay committed and accountable. You’ll never feel alone with the constant encouragement and shared progress of your group.

Daily Check-Ins

  • What: Every day, I’ll check in with you through WhatsApp to see how you’re doing, answer any questions, and provide guidance or adjustments based on your needs.
  • Why: Daily accountability is key to forming new habits and staying on track. This daily touchpoint ensures that you have constant support and clarity on what to focus on each day.

Weekly Weigh-Ins and Accountability

  • What: Every week, you’ll have the option to share your progress through a private weigh-in, where we can track your results and celebrate your successes.
  • Why: Tracking progress helps to maintain motivation and commitment. It’s not just about the number on the scale but about celebrating every step forward, big or small.

Weekly Zoom Calls

  • What: Join a live Zoom call every week, focused on the theme of the week. You’ll have the chance to dive deeper into the topic, hear from others, and ask your questions in a supportive environment.
  • Why: Live interaction brings the program to life. These Zoom calls offer a chance to connect face-to-face, share experiences, get clarity, and receive real-time advice and encouragement.

Don’t Just Take My Word for It—See What Others Are Saying

👉"This program changed my life! Bertus’s guidance helped me build habits that stick. I feel healthier and more confident than ever." – Sarah M.

👉"I’ve never felt so supported on my health journey. The group calls and daily check-ins kept me accountable and motivated." – Cheryl L.

👉"I finally broke free from the cycle of dieting. This program is different because it focuses on sustainable habits. It’s been a game-changer!" – Rachel W.

👉"This program taught me how to eat mindfully and make healthier choices without the guilt or obsession that comes with traditional diets. Bertus is a true expert, and the tools he provides will stick with me for the rest of my life." – Tania G

👉"Bertus helped me understand that sustainable change doesn’t happen overnight. His program is all about small, manageable steps that build real habits. I feel so much more in control of my eating now, and I’ve lost weight without feeling deprived." – Bongiwe P.

Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Start

You’ve waited long enough. You’ve tried diets that promised quick results, but they never lasted.

Here’s your chance to change your life for good with a program that’s different—a program that works.

Only 10 spots available – First come, first serve.

Early bird special: R1500 (Save R1000).

This offer won’t be repeated.

Got Questions?

Q: What if I’ve tried diets before and failed?
A: This isn’t a diet; it’s a guided journey to change your habits for good. It’s about learning how to eat, not what to eat, and making sustainable choices.

Q: I’m worried about keeping up with the program.
A: No worries! The program is designed to fit into your life, not disrupt it. Plus, with daily check-ins and weekly group calls, you’ll have all the support you need.

Q: How do I know this will work for me?
A: I’ve helped many people like you break free from dieting. And remember, I’ve been in your shoes. I know what it takes to achieve lasting change.

Your Health Journey Starts Here
Don’t Miss Out!

Remember, this is a limited offer. With only 10 spots available and a one-time price of R1500, these slots will fill up fast. Don’t miss your chance to join a program that’s proven to work. It’s time to invest in yourself and finally break free from the diet cycle.


How do I sign up?

Once you signed up with your email, I will contact you via email and whatsapp to start the onboaring process.

Who do I contact for more information?

You can whatsapp me anytime at 073 454 5706

or email me at bert@justthrive.xyz